
One word story

Discussion in 'Trendy Game' started by BlaBlaBloid The Fifth, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

    Let's create a story one word at a time. It shall be an epic, shitposty tale.
    I'll start with one, and one word only:

  2. LunaEostre

    LunaEostre Fated Forerunner

  3. Sentinel_Baker!

    Sentinel_Baker! The Gambler.

    Beedle likes this.
  4. Mergu

    Mergu Drowning Staff Member

    , Lord
  5. DCaff95

    DCaff95 Triforce Disciple

  6. LunaEostre

    LunaEostre Fated Forerunner

  7. Feverish

    Feverish Bulma appreciation

  8. Sentinel_Baker!

    Sentinel_Baker! The Gambler.

  9. Feverish

    Feverish Bulma appreciation

  10. Sentinel_Baker!

    Sentinel_Baker! The Gambler.

  11. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

  12. Sentinel_Baker!

    Sentinel_Baker! The Gambler.

  13. theNintengeek

    theNintengeek Sir Surge

  14. Benjehamaus

    Benjehamaus The Hero of Legend

  15. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

  16. Sentinel_Baker!

    Sentinel_Baker! The Gambler.

  17. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

  18. Sentinel_Baker!

    Sentinel_Baker! The Gambler.

  19. BlaBlaBloid The Fifth

    BlaBlaBloid The Fifth Hylian Hero

  20. Benjehamaus

    Benjehamaus The Hero of Legend

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