
What's next after Breath of the Wild?

Discussion in 'Legend of Zelda Discussion' started by YoYo188, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. YoYo188

    YoYo188 Hylian Citizen

    This is a thread where you can post theories and idea about what you think could happen in the next Zelda game?
    Botw changed everything so it's very likely that we'll see a 2nd open world zelda game.
  2. negan16

    negan16 Deku Scrub

    I started Breath Of The Wild only recently so I'm waiting to finish it off to find out what I'm hoping for next.

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  3. 1of6boys

    1of6boys Deku Scrub

    I hope they pull another Majora's Mask and make the next game with lots of what Breath of the Wild lacked. Story and music. I also think they should remove the shrines and stick with dungeons.
  4. YoYo188

    YoYo188 Hylian Citizen

    I agree, another possibility is a Breath of the wild prequel since we know next to nothing about what happened 100 years ago, as you said with more story, music and dungeons, they could throw a few shrines in there (not as many as in Botw i say 25 max) as mini dungeons. A few other possibilities are: Ura Zelda on the rumored N64 classic (highly unlikely but not impossible, A Skyward Sword remake on the switch (Probable), and probably a new topdown game (Possible).
    1of6boys likes this.
  5. 1of6boys

    1of6boys Deku Scrub

  6. YoYo188

    YoYo188 Hylian Citizen

    Oh i didn't know that. Also "Ura" means Another or Flipside of in Japanese, it was supposed to be an expansion for Ocarina of Time on the N64 Disk drive, it was completed but never released due to the fact the the Disk drive was a commercial failure it was supposed to include new/revamped dungeons, new enemies and was also probably going to include some scrapped beta content that wasn't able to be used to the N64's memory limitations, there was also another expansion called Zelda Gaiden (Gaiden means sidestory in japanese) which eventually became Majora's Mask, it had 7 days instead of 3 and progressed i real time (this was also for the disk drive) there was probably a lot of scrapped content since 4 entire days were scrapped, there was also an Adult Link mask which would allow Link to become an adult but it was scrapped because Young Link could hold all the items available in the game, unlike OOT where Young link only had access to certain items, there were also a few other things like Goron Link wielding the Megaton hammer instead of punching ,the Deku Pipes, Goron Drums and Zora Guitar having their own icons (this was later re-implemented in MM3D) among a few other things.

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