Rules for Server Moderators

· Make sure you know the server rules.
· Be respectful to other players - don't bully/abuse them.
· Be impartial (i.e. unbiased) towards players.
· Don't break the rules you are enforcing.
· You must never abuse your power, doing so may result in a loss of your position.

1. General Conduct

You should warn people for first time offenses, unless they are being very offensive or abusing (e.g. being racist, or commiting serious bouts of griefing).
If you think a player needs to "cool down" e.g. after an argument then perhaps jail them for a few minutes. Persistent offenders should get a temporary ban, or in the worst cases a permanent ban.

2. How to Jail Players

To jail a player type:
/jail [username] prison [time]
Where [username] is the player's name and [time] is the amount of time in seconds they spend jailed.

For example the following command: /jail bob prison 600
Jails the user bob for 600 seconds, or 10 minutes.
To release a player from jail at any time, use the /unjail command.

3. How to ban players

Temporary Bans
To temporarily ban a player, use the following command:
/tempban [username] [time]
Where [username] is the player's name and [time] is the amount of time in seconds they spend banned.

For example, the following command will temporarily ban bob for 36000 seconds, or ten hours:
/tempban bob 36000

Permanent Bans
If you think a user's actions are severe enough to warrant a permanent ban, use the command /ban.
For example, /ban bob will permanently ban the user with the name bob.

Note that permanent bans are very severe, so use them sparingly if possible.

4. How to undo griefing

ZeldaCraft uses a plugin called CoreProtect to log the actions of users, such as what blocks they place and break. To undo griefing, you need to inspect the damage and work out which user is responsible by using the command /co inspect.
When in "inspect" mode, place a block in a space to see which user deleted a block in that space, or click on a block to see who placed that block. You will be informed of the user who edited the block, and when they did it (e.g. bob deleted this block 20 hours ago).

Now that you know the person who did the griefing, its time to undo it. You need to use the following command:

/co rollback u:[username] t:[time] r:[radius]

[username] is the user's name, [time] is the timeframe you are rolling back in (e.g. roll back the user's actions they performed in the last 5 hours), and [radius] is the radius of the effect (e.g. roll back the user's griefing only within a 20 block radius of where you are standing).

For example, the following command would roll back bob's actions in the past five hours, within a radius of 30 blocks:
/co rollback u:bob t:5h r:30
Note that you have to write the number followed by a h for it to register x hours as your time frame. E.g. t:5h means a roll back of 5 hours.

It is very important you specify a radius as part of the command. Usually you want this radius to be pretty short. If in doubt put a radius of about 10-20 blocks, though sometimes you might need to use a shorter one.